Hmmm, just celebrated my 68th birthday. I guess since I went to my 50th class reunion in March this should not have been a surprise to me. But, somewhere along the way I lost count. I had to stop & think about where all the time had gone. Roads traveled, people that were there, and now aren't. It has been a long walk, run, skip, hop & jump. The bumps, tears, joys & failures have been many..but you kow what - all of it has made me who I am today. I could be better, but, I have been worse(lots). I could be happier, but, I have been sadder(lots). All in all, not a bad trip. I hope it goes a lot longer.
I do know that since allowing God in my life it has gotten a lot easier. All the things that I used to think were so important, aren't. Trying to be a better person today than I was yesterday IS! It seems folks are running in circles these days. More More More seems to be the thought of the day. I have gotten to the stage of life that I need to get rid of it all. All this, that I thought would make me happy, hasn't...but I have found it..inside of me. I had it all along & didn't know it.
I had someone say to me many years go through life, learn all these lessons, get smart and then you die..but that's OK as no one wants to hear them anyway..they are too busy learning their own. But all that is a whole other blog!
Isn't it great finding yourself...I'm just at the beginning of that journey...I can't wait to see what happens next! xoxo