I love driving in & out of our subdivision. There is always, well, nearly always, an egret in one of the ditches..if not several, getting lunch or dinner. They are beautiful. I love to see them fly off. They are so graceful. Sometimes I feel sad as I am not sure how long it will be that they won't be here anymore..at least not in our neighborhood.
When we first moved here there were wild turkeys walking in the yard several times a week. Then they started building housing. Ripping out woods,bull dozing the land..dead animals started showing up on the roads. They had no place to go.
We have three new subdivisions & a new school now. A couple of months ago one of the larger Baton Rouge hospitals bought land, with a large lake on it, across from where we live. They are putting in a med center..doctors offices & emergency care..they tore out the woods, ruined the lake. Ran all the turtles off. Used to judge the day by how many turtles were out sunning themselves on the logs in the lake.
Progress? I don't think so. Coming from California & seeing what 'progress' has done to that state. I used to say that I wished they would put a fence around LA & not let the outside world in.. but, think it is too late now.
Makes me sad. But at least the egrets can fly..they will go into the woods in out laying areas...until man catches up with them again.